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Below are program dates for 2020 All in for Advancement class. The academic sessions build up each other. Attendance is expected at all events. All sessions unless otherwise noted will be hosted at the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce; 265 Franklin Street, 17th Fl, Boston, MA 02110

All in for Advancement Orientation

Tuesday, February 25, 11AM-1 PM

In this session, participants get to know the program, the Chamber, our Babson faculty and each other to create a supportive and welcoming community to support and challenge each other in their pursuit of culture change. 

Entrepreneurial Thought and Action® (ET&A), Gender, Coaching

March 12, 8:30AM-5 PM

This session offers three ingredients to launching inclusive culture projects in your organization: Entrepreneurial Thought and Action® (ET&A), Gender and Inclusion Acumen, and Coaching. At the end of this session you will: understand the strategic value of inclusive organizational cultures and have your own vision of an ideal desired future for your organization,  have foundational gender and inclusion acumen through which to consider culture change projects, and be equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset to guide your future efforts at entrepreneuring inclusive culture projects.  This work will be undergirded by coaching support and we will review a framework for team and peer coaching. As homework, you will be asked to record observations and interview an “out group” within your company to identify “needs” to bring back to the following design thinking session.

Design Thinking

Thursday, April 9, 2:00-6:00 PM

Design thinking is both an effective problem-solving approach and a mindset that combines three core activities in a user-centered process that includes: inspiration (finding the problem or opportunity), ideation (developing possible solutions), and implementation (testing solutions). Using the Design Thinking, and the observation and interview data collected by each group, teams will develop an initial prototype of their culture change seed projects for the program. We will use the “needs” identified in an interim assignment by each team as inputs for the session.

Coaching Session I

April- June, scheduled with team

Company teams meet with their assigned coach to develop a customized action plan to integrate lessons from the classroom into their workplace culture change project. Outcomes: confirm impact objectives, develop project milestones, and create success/impact metrics.

Change in Action: Bottom UP


An industry leader who has pursued culture change in their institution shares their journey the lessons they learned as a result. This past year, participants learned from the team at Hubspot on how they were able to implement change for women of color at their organization.

Ideate, Iterate, Activate Project Shaping & Gifting Session

Thursday, June 11, 2:00-6:00 PM

Peer feedback is a powerful resource for innovation, iteration and change. This session will harness the collective insights and inspiration of the full group to offer “gifts” of actionable iterations for project teams to consider and execute immediately. The approach of “gifting” for collective problem-solving focuses on sharing resources that will propel a presented “future state” forward. Gifting is a transferable skill that participants can use in other areas of their careers.

Change in Action: Top Down


An industry leader who has pursued culture change in their institution shares their journey the lessons they learned as a result. Last year, we were joined by Regina Pisa who shared her experience creating change from the top down as she stepped into her role as Managing Parnter at the Goodwin.

Coaching Session II

July-August, scheduled with team

Company teams meet with their assigned coach to continue progress on customized action for workplace culture change project. Report: impact objectives, milestone achievement, and methods for collecting impact metrics.

Ideate, Iterate, Activate Project Shaping & Gifting Session

Thursday, August 6, 12:00-2:00 PM

Peer feedback is a powerful resource for innovation, iteration and change. This session will again harness the collective insights and inspiration of the full group to offer “gifts” of actionable iterations for project teams to consider and execute immediately. The approach of “gifting” for collective problem-solving focuses on sharing resources that will propel a presented “future state” forward.

All In Culture Change Session

Tuesday, September 22, 1:00-5:00 PM

This deep dive session on leading and scaling culture change introduces a framework for leading culture change, supports participant teams to assess their seed projects against a culture change framework, and provides a process for workshopping an action plan for cascading their seed project toward broader change in their organizations. The process also includes peer feedback and faculty insight for the next phase of this complex and important organizational process.

Coaching Session III

Sept-October, scheduled with team

Company teams meet with coach to review final project presentations for senior leaders.

 Demo Night

Thursday, October 29, 4:30-8pm

Location TBD

Demo Night provides an opportunity for all teams to share their projects with their own senior leaders and all other members of the “All In” community. The participants will develop a rocket pitch and a poster presentation that informs attendees about the project they executed and why, the outcomes to date, recommendations for building broader culture change from this seed initiative, and transferable learning gleaned from the “All In” experience.